Review: "Beaufort"

There is no doubt for me which film should have been nominated. The Band's Visit is clearly the superior of the two. But with the choices given and the three nominees that I have seen, then Beaufort ends up being the winner that should have been.
I have not yet seen the Polish nominee, Katyn, or the Russian nominee, 12, but having seen Kazakhstan's Mongol (Picturehouse, 6.6) and Austria's The Counterfeiters (which went on to win the award), I can say that Beaufort is far and away the best choice of those films.
This is the movie that Jarhead wanted to be but never quite was. Beaufort tells the true story of the last squad of soldiers to occupy Israel's legendary Beaufort fort in Lebanon, in the days before the evacuation and eventual destruction of a piece of Israeli history that was captured from the Lebanese in 1982.

There are many parallels to be made between this and the current war in Iraq. The feeling of helplessness felt by the soldiers begins to boil over, and as their friends die around them they begin to lose hope in themselves and their own survival.

You could call it an anti-war film, but I think that puts too neat a label on what it is trying to do. Beaufort is about the soldiers and the internal battles they fight that have nothing to do with guns or bombs. This is bold, powerful filmmaking about the bonds between soldiers and the challenges they face.
All politics aside, Beaufort takes a searing look at male relationships and the psychological effects of war in a subtle and stirring way. There is no preaching or pontificating here, just young men with a lifetime ahead of them, forced to wait in hell while their fates are decided for them by men in air conditions rooms.
GRADE - ***½ (out of four)
BEAUFORT; Directed by Joseph Cedar; Stars Ari Weinberg, Arthur Perzev, Daniel Brooks, Danny Zahavi, Eli Altonio, Gal Friedman; Not Rated; In Hebrew w/English subtitles