Sex and the Soundtrack

It may be set to a montage scene, but it's one of the best I've seen in a while, and the song totally makes it. I think it is quite possibly the most beautiful version of the song I have ever heard, and yes, I'll admit, I teared up during the New Years montage, which was my favorite scene in the film.
It's bright throwaway pop for most of the CD, with new tracks by Fergie and Jennifer Hudson, along with cuts by India.Arie, Jem, and Run-D.M.C. It's a bubble-gum pop soundtrack but, like the film that it accompanies, it's a breezy, fun listen. It's currently the # 1 soundtrack on and the # 2 pop album. I don't always go for the collections of pop songs that go along with films like this, but I really like this one, and all the songs are used in the film.
There is another album in the works, which I hope will include some of Aaron Zigman's score, who is one of my favorite up-and-coming composers.
Not only do the ladies of Sex and the City have great taste in fashion, they have great taste in music as well.
I especially love the "The Heart of the Matter" by India.Arie - which I could not hear in the film, but it was in the trailer. I downloaded the soundstrack myeself, and won't stop listening to it until manhood comes lnocking at my door, or my mother to tell me to turn it down ;)