Bucking the trend of the time honored top ten list, Roger Ebert has listed his
20 best films of the year. They're all solid picks (although they have a few overlaps, my list will look quite different...
hint hint for those of you playing the Guess Matt's Top Ten game at home), but I have highlighted the From the Front Row favorites in bold:
- Ballast
- The Band's Visit
- Che
- Chop Shop
- The Dark Knight
- Doubt
- The Fall
- Frost/Nixon
- Frozen River
- Happy-Go-Lucky
- Iron Man
- Milk
- Rachel Getting Married
- The Reader
- Revolutionary Road
- Shotgun Stories
- Slumdog Millionaire
- Synecdoche, New York
- W.
Ebert also named awarded his "Special Jury Prize" to Guy Maddin's
My Winnipeg, and listed his top ten documentaries as well.
Click here to read his comments.
I was shocked he had W and IRON MAN on his list, but was grateful he acknowledged something like BALLAST.
No BEJAMAIN BUTTON? Interesting.