"Citizen Soldier"

I swear if I have to see this damn music video before one more movie I'm going to pull my hair out. 3 Doors Down has sunk pretty low to be shilling military propaganda with their gratingly generic music.


InvaderRik said…
Finally someone sides with me, I had to watch the the damn thing for the 20th time before AvP:R the other night. Minor spoiler, an entire detatchment of National Guard troops get slaughtered by the Aliens, I wasn't the only one who made the connection, someone actually sang out "Citezen Soldier!"
Anonymous said…
Hey Mathew, you fucking wanker, maybe you ought to grow up a little and think about what it means to be a citizen in a democracy that has done more for civilization in the last 200 plus years than all the other nations combined.
Mattie Lucas said…
This is what I love about conservatives - their outrage can always be counted upon. LMAO!
Anonymous said…
Hey, I actually like the music video, and the song, but I don't think it should be played over and over again, it does get rather annoying. But I am a Citizen Soldier, and the song does have alot of truth to it. We're here to help. The National Guard is different than any other military branch. Unlike the Marines, Navy, Air Force and Army, we're not supposed to be an offensive force. The NG is supposed to be a defensive force in case of natural disasters and invasion of America. Unfortunately, many Guardsman are being sent overseas. Anyway, I'm proud and happy to protect your right to an opinion. Email me if you'd like to let me know I'm an idiot for joining the Armed Forces...as many critics do say. Oh, and yourconservativenightmare...please chill out.
Mattie Lucas said…
I don't think you're an idiot for joining the armed forces. I have a cousin in the Navy who is now serving as a Marine psychiatrist in Afghanistan and my grandfather was in the Navy during WWII. The song just bothers me. Especially since, like you said, the National Guard is not being used the way it was meant to be used. People are not getting what they sign up for.
Anonymous said…
this song rocks and is very meaningful

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