"Ken Park"

Currently banned in its home country of Australia, Ken Park tells the story of four teenagers, their miserable home lives, and the sexual exploits they undertake to escape it all.
Despite rumors that it has never screened commercially in the United States because of its explicit sexual content, the real reason has to do with a music rights debacle that has never been solved. The explicit sexuality, which may be an issue in some countries, isn't so much a problem here, as Ken Park is nowhere near as graphic as John Cameron Mitchell's far superior Shortbus, which played on American screens two years ago (and was on my 2006 top ten list).
I've seen the film, and I was not impressed. At all. Quite honestly, the film doesn't deserve a release. It's aimless, disjointed, unpleasant, and lacks anything resembling emotional resonance. Some individual elements work, but in the end it just has no reason to be. And when it randomly throws its separate characters together for one final (imagined? metaphorical? utopian?) threesome (who had not been seen together up until then) the film jumps the tracks completely.

It has enough elements that work that it's not a complete waste, but the dots are never connected. The elements that could have clicked never are never given any cohesion.
The controversy that constantly surrounds this film is really overblown. It's just a bad film famous for its dick shots and real life oral sex and masturbation. Which wouldn't be a problem if it had a point, but it really doesn't. It's a sad waste of potential, and famous more for its shock value than its substance. Sometimes controversy of this kind swirls up around the movies that least deserve the attention. In this case, Ken Park is a great example.
Shortbus! I'm glad someone else besides my wife and I saw this.
Okay, so I do not want to see this film, it just sounds gross. I am just as open minded as the next person, but hell no do I want to be subjected to that, no thanks.
Though I agree with Nick about this film, sounds pretty damn gross.