Review: "North Face"

Philipp Stölzl's North Face takes a more traditional approach to a similar tale. Set in 1936, North Face tells the story of two teams of mountain climbers, one German, one Austrian, who set out to conquer the supposedly unconquerable north face of Switzerland's Eiger Mountain. In the days before the Berlin Olympics, the Nazis seek a symbolic victory over Austria, and turns to Toni Kurz (Benno Fürmann) and Andi Hinterstoisser (Florian Lukas), two young, free spirited soldiers who would rather be shirking curfew and climbing mountains than serving in the army.

Also along for the ride is Luise Fellner (Johanna Wokalek), a photojournalist with eyes for Toni, who accompanies her boss, a newspaper reporter, to the mountain to document the climb. As the eyes of the world watch from below, the two teams race to the top of one of the deadliest mountains in the world over sheer faces of ice and rock. But as the weather takes a turn for the worse, and the climbers find themselves in increasingly hostile environment, it no longer becomes a quest for personal and national glory, but a fight for survival.

North Face is the kind of period adventure film that many seem to have forgotten how to do. The period trappings never get in the way of its strong story, and Stölzl keeps the focus intimate and engaging, if occasionally a tad melodramatic. This is gripping stuff, a tautly directed, white knuckle suspense yarn with a keen sense of time and place. It puts the audience in the face of danger, and doesn't blink.
GRADE - ★★★ (out of four)
NORTH FACE; Directed by Philipp Stölzl; Stars Benno Fürmann, Florian Lukas, Johanna Wokalek; Not Rated; In German w/English subtitles.