Review: "Pride and Glory"

True, it begins as a fairly routine crime procedural/cop family drama, as a family of police officers becomes embroiled in a department scandal when the murder of four officers during an apparent botched drug bust is revealed to have internal ties to the department. But by the end O'Connor has achieved something that, while not quite extraordinary, is still quite notable for the tension it builds and its powerhouse payoff.
For the Tierny family, honor and loyalty are everything. Irish pride flows strong through their veins, and their lives have been dedicated to the NYPD - from family patriarch Francis Sr. (Jon Voight), to his sons Ray (Edward Norton) to Francis Jr. (Noah Emmerich), to his son-in-law Jimmy Egan (Colin Farrell). But their ethics and notions of loyalty are challenged after the fateful raid when each is faced with his own internal dilemma, fueled by their own unique interests. For Papa Tierney, it is loyalty to the force above all, to Ray it is justice, to Francis it is the interests of the men under his command, and for Jimmy it is preservation of himself and the welfare of his family. As each goal collides with the others, the prime aspirations of pride and glory seem ever farther away.

It has long been noted that ending a film well is the most important thing, because if a film begins poorly but ends well, then an audience is more likely to like the film than if the situation were reversed. That could very well be the case for me here, as Pride and Glory's first half is admittedly weak. But the cast is all in top form (despite Farrell's uncharacteristic hints of his Irish brogue sneaking in amid his New York accent...which may or may not have been intentional). The real standout here is Jennifer Ehle in the underused role of Francis Jr's cancer-stricken wife, Abby. The character may be underdeveloped, but Ehle adds layers of emotional depth above and beyond the call of the script, and her efforts are duly noted and hugely appreciated.

Pride and Glory is neither a great film or the greatest cop drama, but I respected the hell out of it for what it ultimately achieves - a sense of honor in a dishonorable and morally dubious situation where the right thing isn't the easiest thing, without being false or cloying. And that is an impressive feat indeed.
GRADE - *** (out of four)
PRIDE AND GLORY; Directed by Gavin O'Connor; Stars Edward Norton, Colin Farrell, Jon Voight, Noah Emmerich, Jennifer Ehle, John Oritz; Rated R for strong violence, pervasive language and brief drug content
It's a little like the electoral college that boils down a whole state's popular vote into one Red or Blue decision. Ok, that metaphor sounded much better in my head. Ah well...
I skipped this one because I just don't have room on my plate right now for another cop drama, but I'm glad to hear it's better than advertised. I'll definitely keep it in mind for DVD.
Craig, it's definitely a tired subject, but I think it's worth a look. Rotten Tomatoes can be a bit unfair, especially in it's treatment of movies with around 50% as rotten...that just means the consensus is split evenly an can go either way. I still respect the site, and the idea that I will have my own official critic page in February when I join the Southeastern Film Critics Association gives me a bit of a's still kind of an arbitrary thing. Metacritic probably has a better system with its graduated ratings, rather than just "Fresh" and "Rotten."