Trashing "Precious"

I don't think I have ever seen such hateful, bitter vitriol thrown at a major Oscar contender as I have this one, some of it even seeming personal. And it's completely underserved. No, Precious is not a perfect film. Far from it. I made my issues with it clear in my review. But by no stretch of the imagination does it deserve how it is being treated by the hipster internet elite who try to prove their badassery by shitting on anything it appears the Academy will like.
Precious is not one of the best films of the year. It will not be in my top 10, 20, or even 30. But it is not a bad film. But few things make me angrier than the mean-spirited snark you start seeing on the internet around this time of year. The internet seems to breed snark. It's not witty, it's obnoxious, and most people aren't perceptive enough to tell the difference. People think it makes them interesting or cool or funny. But it doesn't, it just makes them look dumb. Just because every keyboard commando in their mother's basement has an outlet to spout their opinion doesn't mean they should. But I guess on the internet they can fool people into believing they're cool and aloof.

If you want to have an intelligent discussion about the merits of the construction and form of Precious, go right ahead, it deserves it. It's often very poorly directed. But you can't deny the powerful performances, and that hate now seems to be spilling over onto star Mo'Nique, who has publically said she doesn't care about the Oscar.
So what? Heaven forbid anyone shake up your insulated little world. Not care about Oscar? The nerve!
Grow up.
I haven't seen it since, but I still have fond memories of Little Miss Sunshine. Slumdog was not my favorite film last year, but I still liked it quite a bit. Juno...yeah Juno. I've already said all I need to about that one.
I can even understand why people don't like PRECIOUS. Lee Daniels makes some very poor directorial choices (the fantasy sequences made me cringe), but for me there was enough that escaped Daniels' heavy hand to redeem it.