Review: "Trouble the Water"

But for all of the round the clock news footage and on the scene reports, there is one thing that the reporters consistently failed to capture - the personal side of the tragedy. No number of human interest stories can amount to the tale as told by the the people who lived it as it was happening, and that is just what Trouble the Water, the new documentary by Carl Deal and Tia Lessin, does.
Culled from the home videos of Kimberly Rivers Roberts and her husband Scott, two poverty-stricken, aspiring rap artists living in New Orleans, Trouble the Water paints a unique and deeply intimate portrait of a national disaster and the bureaucratic failure of the government to do anything about it.

There are no words to accurately describe the kind of tragedy where elderly hospital patients are left behind to die, where governments do not use every resource at their disposal to evacuate its citizens from certain death, where displaced citizens are turned away from nearly empty military bases at the point of an M-16, and where incompetent leaders are rewarded for their efforts (disgraced FEMA chief Michael Brown, the credits inform us, is now a disaster management consultant and motivational speaker). I can't even begin to wrap my brain around what these people went through, and how grossly mishandled the situation was, and in many ways still is today. How do you justify rebuilding a city's ritzy tourist spots, when its poverty stricken areas are still in ruin three years later?

Trouble the Water may not be the essential film about Katrina, it may not be the definitive statement of the horrors that befell New Orleans in August 2005, but there is something unique and indeed quite moving about seeing the tragedy from the perspective of those who survived it, who lived it and saw it for what it was. It invites us to step into the shoes of people who the government forgot, and demands that we refuse to do the same.
GRADE - *** (out of four)
TROUBLE THE WATER; Directed by Carl Deal, Tia Lessin; Featuring Kimberly Rivers Roberts, Scott Roberts; Not Rated
Your paragraph beginning with "There are no words to accurately describe the tragedy..." is magnificent, if disturbing. The points you bring out concerning hospital pateients being "left behind," "the non evaculation" of others that leaves them to the mercy of this punishing calamity, and the "rewards" given to those who exhibited gross incompetance, are all appalling beyond measure. The fact (as you bring out) that the poverty-stricken areas continue to remain in "ruins" is a testament to one of the worst-handled disasters in American history.
I agree with your rating completely (the film is no masterpiece) but it's a stark reminder of the ills of society that continue to malign issues of such vital significance.
This review really examines this film witha magnifying glass.
My congratulations.
I guess I disagree a little about the film's shift in focus. Kim's rap career was such a huge part of her personal motivation. The scene where she discovers the CD she'd burned she thought had been lost and she breaks into an impromptu version of one of her raps was pretty moving.
My favorite thing about the movie is how matter-of-fact Kim and Scott were. Instead of wallowing in their anger, they just set about making the best of their situation for themselves and for those around them.
Moving stuff.
Having said that, I don't think it's a perfect doc either. For other reasons, it DID feel a little ill-focused like you say.
Documentary film is a great genre, and I'll be sure to screen this one, but this scene seems to suggest that a young man is about three and half seconds away from eating Army issue lead
after he strikes that soldier. Is he crazy enough to attack people that are deployed to specifically to save his city? That seems very irrational or worse staged for the cameras.
I agree that this whole disaster and reponse has been a joke. It's still the 3rd world down there - half the police force gone for good and whole neighborhoods rotting. I can believe that the film maker wants to provoke his audience and show the rage of people stuck in the flood and bureacracy by showing the most vocally outraged citizens left in the wake of Katrina. That comes across pretty well.
My question for the audience of this documentary is how is a real need for help for those elderly, physically challenged or too poor to leave the city being expressed by focusing the narrative on someone foolish enough to wave his hands around at people trying him?
Anybody making a disaster situation worse by getting crazy with soldiers deployed to save the city is not helping anyone. This particular scene seems staged in way that would even make ambush interview ace Michael Moore blush.
More to the point, it's disrepectful in the extreme to anyone who wears a uniform in New Orleans to have to shoulder the blame when they are repairing levys, filling sandbags and searching for survivors in a disaster that has almost no modern parallel save for the Mississippi Flood of 1927.
Both sides, military and civilian, can and must do better. Hurricanes and floods are a fact of life for those who live in the South. We must learn to respond, not with the counter-productive and implied threat of violence, but as Americans fighting a disaster - not eachother.