Ben Lyons = Hottie

Here's what he had to say about Max Payne:
“You know what hurts a movie like Max Payne is the success of the Batman franchise. That obviously is about story and character so they think for all films of the genre it’s gotta be about story and character and this whole backstory of him losing his wife. I don’t care about that. I wanna see Max Payne shoot people. That’s all I want from a movie like this.”You can't take that seriously. Really, you can't. At least not from someone who is supposed to be a legitimate critic.
But then I see pictures of him and think "wow...he's really hot."
See my conundrum now? He may be a terrible critic...but the boy is gorgeous.
Does that make up for quotes like the one above? Not really...but it doesn't hurt. I'm no fan of At the Movies since he and Ben Mankiewicz took over...but at least he's something nice to look at while Mankiewicz tries in vain to inject some intelligent discussion.
He is cute and everything, but gorgeous? Nah.