Review: "The Wackness"

It is usually considered a great honor for an actor of the stage to be given the play's title in a line of dialogue. But generally when it comes to film, shoe-horning the title into the script can come off as a bit...awkward.
I'll admit I cringed a little bit when Stephanie (Olivia Thirlby) looks at Luke Shapiro (Josh Peck), and utters those words, because it conveys a certain unassuredness of a film that isn't quite sure what to do with itself.
Thankfully, The Wackness recovers more often than not from its "pay attention this is important" title-dropping, but never quite to the level that I think it aspires to.
Set in 1994 against the backdrop of sweeping cultural changes in New York City implemented by newly elected mayor Rudy Giuliani, The Wackness is the story of a newly graduated drug dealer (Peck) who is just trying to navigate the tricky waters of the transition to adulthood in his last summer before college. Helping him along the way is his eccentric, pot smoking psychiatrist (Ben Kingsley, in a wonderful performance), whose stepdaughter (Thirlby) is the object of Luke's affections.

However, the film tries to position itself as a cultural time capsule, looking back with misty eyed nostalgia at a time that really wasn't all that long ago. And this is where The Wackness stumbles. Outside of as many references to Giuliani as the filmmakers can cram in, and a few laments about the lack of readily available drugs, the film fails to fully examine the effects and wider ramifications of the Republican mayor's now legendary reforms. I wanted there to be more to it, historically speaking, than a simple "where have all the drugs gone?" theme.

The rest of the movie doesn't always seem to know what to do with itself or what it's trying to be, but it ends up working for what it is, even if what it is doesn't always seem to be what it wants.
GRADE - **½ (out of four)
THE WACKNESS; Directed by Jonathan Levine; Stars Ben Kingsley, Josh Peck, Olivia Thirlby, Famke Janssen, Mary-Kate Olsen, Method Man; Rated R for pervasive drug use, language and some sexuality.
I'm sure it ain't amazing, but I'm interested indeed.
I have to say, this movie didn't make as much of a splash as I thought it would. I figured people would eat it up despite our middling reviews, but it doesn't appear to be carrying very well.
Nick: I hope you enjoy it, you still may. It just didn't fully work for me.
Daniel: I don't know if its appeal is as broad as, say, THE PINEAPPLE EXPRESS, but it still hasn't gone wide yet so it still may catch on.